Saturday, February 15, 2025

MSGA Mid Year Meeting, Bozeman MT


Montana Stockgrowers Association Mid-Year Meeting


Mark your calendars to celebrate 131 years for Montana Stockgrowers Association at the organization’s MidYear Meeting, June 4-6 in Bozeman. This year’s MidYear event will be highlighted by Cattlemen’s College workshops, a tour of area businesses and live music with Ringling 5 and Crazy Mountain Express!

Mid-Year is one of two major meetings MSGA holds annually where members will gather to discuss the issues facing Montana ranching families and set interim policy to guide the association through the rest of the year. Policy Committee meetings this year will be hosted on the campus of Montana State University.

Events will kick off Thursday afternoon with Cattlemen’s College workshops presented by leadership coach, Sarah Bohenkamp. Ranchers will have the opportunity to learn more about growth in leadership, improving time management and developing skills to build strong relationships that are critical to being successful in the ranching business.

Friday’s Opening General Session will feature MSU Ag Economics Professor, Dr. Gary Brester, who will provide insight for current record cattle prices and provide context from historical market trends. Association policy meetings will take place on Friday with discussion on topics affecting Montana ranchers today. A review of the 2015 Montana Legislative Session activity affecting the ranching community will also take place during the meeting.

Ranchers will gather on Friday night for a steak dinner, fun and live music from Ringling 5. Area business leaders and the community are invited to a special fundraiser event on Thursday night for MSGA’s Research & Education Endowment Foundation, held at the Best Western GranTree Inn, with entertainment by Crazy Mountain Express.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Best Western GranTree Inn and Holiday Inn. Rooms at discounted rates must be reserved by May 5. For more information about MSGA’s 2015 Mid-Year Meeting, contact MSGA’s office at (406) 442-3420 or join the Facebook event. Registrations are available online for a 20{18648621dc58566f60964eb5074c58f5f97501fe95033d5d25ee4862e704a74a} discount if made prior to June 1. Visit our event page for more details.



  • REEF Social and Fundraiser THURSDAY
  • Cattlemen's College and Leadership Workshops
  • Interim-Policy Committee Meetings
  • Tour & Dinner FRIDAY
  • Live music with Ringling 5!

Ticket Options

  • REEF Welcome Reception-Ticketed Event $35
  • Meetings Only Registration – $60
  • Friday Dinner & Tour-Ticketed Event $65


Best Western GranTree Inn, Bozeman (Host Hotel)

A room block is reserved at a rate of $129 per night. Reservations can be made by calling (406) 587-5261 and mentioning the code “Montana Stockgrowers Association”. Online reservations at the group rate are not available at this time. Room block rates expire on May 5.

Holiday Inn, Bozeman

A room block is reserved at a rate of $117 per night. Reservations can be made by calling (406) 587-4561 and mentioning the code “MSA”. Online reservations at the group rate can be found at this link (click here). Room block rates expire on May 15.


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