MSU Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers Meet N Greet, Havre MT



Applied Technology Center April 17th, 2015 6:00 p.m.

Who we are: Collegiate Stockgrowers at Montana State University-Northern is a committee within the Montana Stockgrowers Association designed to develop collegiate students into tomorrow’s leaders. It provides students with the opportunity to learn more about legislative process and to have a voice in their industry. Collegiate Stockgrowers serves as an avenue for collegiate members with an interest in agriculture to express their concerns in an effort to assist in the development of MSGA policy. With programs that directly affect the ranching community of the next generation and significant networking opportunities, Collegiate Stockgrowers provides the chance for tomorrow’s leaders to be involved today.

Objective: We are excited to introduce our newly formed Collegiate Stockgrowers to the campus of MSU-Northern as well as to the surrounding community. This event will help introduce the collegiate students of MSU-Northern to the campus and community as well as open up opportunities for not only this incoming school year of 2015-2016 but for years to come. We hope to establish a long and successful relationship between students, campus and community.

Sponsorship and Donations: The next few pages of this document gives an outline our event. Enclosed, you will find an agenda, budget, contact information and Tax ID information. 
Should you choose to sponsor the dinner, please send an email with a high-resolution jpg of your company logo to Mary Heller at 
If you do become a sponsor and wish to have a banner placed at the event, please have it shipped to Mary Heller so she receives it no later than April 15, 2015.

Attention Mary Heller
300 11th Street West
Havre, MT 59501

We also welcome donations for raffle and door prize items. If you wish to donate small items (i.e. caps, coffee mugs, etc.) please send them to Mary Heller at the above address so she receives them no later than April 15, 2015.


President Colie Moline
Montana State University-Northern Chancellor Greg Kegel
o Officers, advisors and members
o Provost Rugg, Dean of COTS Larry Strizich and Chairman of COTS Steven Don
o AOT Faculty: Bill Danley and Tom Welch
Guest speaker – Gene Curry; President Montana Stockgrowers Association
Guest speaker – Leon LaSalle; North Central Stockgrowers

Tonight’s entertainment is provided by MSU-Northern alumni, Holly Cartwright and her grandpa, Gene Allen. Holly is a 2014 graduate of the AOT program and a former member of Collegiate Stockgrowers MSU-Northern. Many thanks to Holly and Grandpa Gene for donating their time and talent!

Speakers, Raffle/Entertainment
Guest Speaker – John Steuber; USDA/APHIS State Director
Raffle and entertainment
Nicole Gray – Agent, MSU/Hill County Extension Office (Tentative)
Raffle and entertainment
Raffle, door prizes, and silent auction announcements
Closing thanks from President, Colie Moline

Norman’s Western Wear Gift Card; Value = $200.00
4 bags of West Feeds Bio Range Mineral- High-Line Chemical; Value = $150

Door Prizes
Miscellaneous promotional items donated by our sponsors

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