Helena, Mont. – The Montana Pulse Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting on Friday, September 25 at 11:00 a.m. to discuss a new proposed reciprocal agreement recently signed by North Dakota Dry Pea & Lentil Council (NDDPLC).
At issue is assessment funds collected in North Dakota on pulse crops grown in Montana. An investigation by the Montana Department of Agriculture found that assessment funds were not being returned to the Committee and some Montana producers were being double assessed.
NDDPLC has modified Montana’s original reciprocal agreement to return Montana producers’ assessment funds going forward and prevent any future double assessments.
“We are pleased with the agreement offer by NDDPLC and their willingness to find a solution. Members of the Pulse Committee will have time to review it and look at their options before signing it at the September meeting,” said Director Ron de Yong.
The Committee will also review prior agreements with Northern Pulse Growers Association and promotion and marketing opportunities related to the upcoming International Year of the Pulse.
The meeting will be a conference call: 1-877-309-2073 (US) or 1-888-455-1389 (Canada), access code 343-006-877.
The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit agr.mt.gov.