January 2017
NPGA Annual Convention & Trade Show
When: January 23 & 24, 2017
Where: Holiday Inn – Riverside
2200 Burdick Expwy E
Minot, ND
Sneak peak: Monday – Chris Koch – “If I Can”
Tuesday – Idiot on the Prairie
Producer Registration Forms
Industry Registration/Sponsorship Forms
Sponsorship/Tradeshow Opportunities
* Plenty of time to network with attendees
* Exposure to pulse producers and agribusiness decision makers
* Trade show breaks and Monday evenings exhibitors social & dinner allow more exhibitor-producer interaction.
* Your business name in the convention program, trade show & sponsor guide.
A list of available sponsorship opportunities for MT Pulse Day and 2017 Annual Convention are included in the Industry Registration/Sponsorship Form packet.
Producer Registration Forms
Industry Registration/Sponsorship Forms
Any questions regarding NPGA MT Pulse Day or NPGA Annual convention Contact: Dolores Rohrich, 701-222-0128, Rohrich@northernpulse.com.
NPGA Annual Convention & Trade Show, Minot ND