Saturday, February 15, 2025

MT Stockgrowers Meet in Great Falls This Week!


The following is a press release from the  Montana Stockgrowers Association:

Helena – The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) is gearing up for this year’s Mid-Year Meeting to be held June 8-9 in Great Falls, Mont. at the Best Western Plus Heritage Inn. Mid-Year is one of two major meetings MSGA holds annually. MSGA members will gather to discuss the issues facing Montana ranching families and set interim policy to guide the association through the rest of the year. The highlight of this year’s meeting will be the Ranch Tour on Friday afternoon, June 8. 

The Northern Ag Network’s Russell Nemetz interviewed MSGA President Watty Taylor about the Mid-Year Meeting.

The first stop of the Ranch Tour will be at Moodie Implement with a lunch catered by Big Mouth BBQ. Attendees will tour Moodie’s facility and learn about wind energy. Next stop will be Steel Etc., specializing in stainless steel, steel, recycled steel, steel distributors, and warehouses. The third stop will take attendees towards the Highwood Mountains to visit Harris Land & Cattle Co. This family has been in the ranching industry going on six generations and was featured in MSGA’s centennial book “The Weak Ones Turned Back, the Cowards Never Started: A Century of Ranching in Montana.” While at Harris Land & Cattle, Dow AgroSciences representatives will discuss their products and services which are designed to solve pressing crop production problems. Next stop will be Harrison Land & Livestock owned by Mark and Patti Harrison who moved to Belt from Wisconsin in 2002. They purchased the old Jolly Roger ranch and began building a herd of Registered Black Angus cattle. While at Harrison Land & Livestock, attendees will hear from the beef cattle research group at USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Laboratory in Miles City which is in the process of developing their next five-year plan. From there, the buses will head back into Great Falls for a tour of Torgerson’s facility. The last stop will be Western Ranch Supply for a delicious prime rib dinner by the Bar S, Western Ranch Supply’s facility tour, live music, and the famous stick horse race fundraiser for MSGA’s Research, Education, and Endowment Foundation. 

Other highlights of the meeting include an Opening General Session address Dr. Jude Capper, adjunct professor at Washington State University, who has performed extensive research on the sustainability and carbon footprint of the beef industry. A new event for Mid-Year will be the “Advocating for Ag Lunch” hosted by the Young Stockgrowers. This year’s keynote speaker will be Ryan Zinke, a third-generation Montanan with a distinguished academic and military career. Retired from the U.S. Navy Seals after 22 years of service, Ryan served as the deputy commander of Special Forces in Iraq, commander of Joint Task Forces in Kosovo and Bosnia, and mission commander of SEAL Team Six.

For more information about MSGA’s 2012 Mid-Year Meeting, contact MSGA’s office at (406) 442-3420. Registration forms with the full schedule of events are available online at



The Montana Stockgrowers Association, a non-profit organization representing nearly 2,500 members, strives to serve, protect and advance the economic, political, environmental and cultural interests of cattle producers, the largest sector of Montana’s number one industry – agriculture.


Source:  Montana Stockgrowers Association

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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