MyBeefCheckoff Gone Mobile!


Ever been at a trade show or at the auction market and needed access to information about your beef checkoff to share with a friend? Or have you had a conversation over the fence about who pays the beef checkoff and what it does for you as a producer?

Good news! It just got easier to get information on your smart phone or tablet. now has a mobile site offering all of the great information you’ve grown accustomed to on the full site. There’s no app to buy and little work involved. Just point your phone or tablet’s internet browser to and you’ll automatically access the mobile site on your phone and will be given the choice of going to the mobile site on your tablet.

Kim Brackett, Cattlemen’s Beef Board secretary/treasurer and beef producer from Buhl, Idaho, says she only uses her desktop computer once or twice a week for bookkeeping and the rest of her activity is done on her mobile phone or iPad.

“I use my phone because I’m always on the go. I don’t travel with my laptop anymore but still need quick access to information when I’m at a meeting or with kids at school or sorting calves in the corral,” says Brackett. “The mobile version of the site is so easy to navigate and it brings me up-to-speed immediately. As an officer, I feel the most useful tool on the site is evaluation information. This not only helps me know and understand where my dollar investment is going, but explain to fellow producers how their checkoff is helping to fund programs that are building beef demand.”

Again, just open your Internet browser and go to and you’ll automatically “go mobile” with MyBeefCheckoff!

Source: Cattlemen's Beef Board

Posted by Northern Ag Network

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