Lamb producers and feeders will soon be receiving an invitation to participate in a production practices survey-the American Lamb Board’s second phase of its sustainability assessment project.
This survey was developed in conjunction with an industry working group that represented members of the ALB, American Sheep Industry Association, independent feeders and producers, and academic advisors. It was also tested by 20 on-site visits to lamb and feeder operations in each region of the country.
The American Lamb Board is conducting the survey to review standard operation practices so that the industry can respond with credible data to issues as reported in the media. The board is also hoping to highlight best practices and use the data to protect and enhance the industry’s reputation.
The greater the response, the more credible the information and the better the ALB can help the industry in its quest for continued economic viability. All responses to the industry survey will remain confidential and not attributed to any one individual. The survey will be available starting the week of June 4, 2012, and will be available online, or you can request a paper copy delivered by mail.
For more information, visit
Source: American Lamb Board
Posted by Russell Nemetz