Sunday, September 15, 2024

NILE Announces New Equine Programs and Communications Director


Billings, MT – Since its inception in 1967, the Northern International Livestock Exposition has been dedicated to embracing and promoting the future of agriculture. With the 48th Annual Stock Show approaching Oct 10-17, 2015, it is crucial that we have the best team possible in place to put on this annual event.. The NILE is thrilled to introduce McCall Linke, the new director of Equine Programs and Communications.  McCall comes to us from Colorado and is no stranger to our events. She completed an rodeo production internship here at the NILE Stock Show in 2013. 

As a graduate of The University of Wyoming with a B.S degree in Agriculture Communications and minor in Marketing, McCall brings a fresh perspective and attitude to the organization. Through her college education McCall participated in many things: basketball intramural (5v5 champions spring 2014); Ag Ambassador chair; summer study abroad in Finland; internships with KRKY radio, the NILE, Ak-Sar-Ben River City Rodeo and 4-H Stock Show, and UW Institutional Communications; Livestock Marketing Association annual Washington D.C. Fly-in and World Livestock Auctioneers Contest.

While attending UW Linke served as an Ag Ambassador for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources representing the college at recruiting events and advisory board meetings.


Previously, Linke has worked for Ak-Sar-Ben River City Rodeo and 4-H Stock Show in Omaha, Neb. as an intern. She learned about social media scheduling, graphic designing, and event planning and management during the summer of 2014. 


Linke is originally from Granby, Colo. where she raised 4-H steers, hogs, and sheep on her family's ranch. Growing up McCall competed in rodeo and played basketball for her high school. 


As an organization run via a small staff and large team of volunteers, it is essential that we have a team in place to lead successfully. In McCall's short time here, she has done an exceptional job expanding the NILE's social media coverage along while becoming an essential member of the NILE leadership.  All of us at the NILE believe that the dedication of our staff to the Ag industry allows our organization to present the best possible events.  


April 17-19 the NILE will bring the Professional Bull Riders to town as has been done for over 21 years here at Metra Park. Be sure to visit with any one of the NILE team about the many great opportunities to take part in a NILE event.


For more information, as well as a complete listing of all the NILE events, visit or call the NILE office at 406-256-2495.



Source:  NILE

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