Montana Landowners Invited to Attend Non-Lethal Predator Damage Management Workshop
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program, in collaboration with Montana State University Extension-Lake County and the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes are hosting a 1-day, non-lethal predator damage management workshop on Thursday, May 21, 2015, at the KwaTaqNuk Lodge on Flathead Lake in Polson, Montana. The goal of the workshop is to provide information to the public on the science behind non-lethal predator damage management methods and the practical applications of these methods as a part of a comprehensive damage management plan for protecting livestock and other property.
Presentations from wildlife researchers, natural resource managers, landowners and other experts will discuss the importance of the non-lethal component of managing predator damage as it relates to resource owners proactively managing predation, and will include the following topics:
· Development of nonlethal tools for predator management
· Update on current wolf and grizzly bear populations and activities in NW Montana
· Montana Livestock Loss Board Programs including grants and reimbursements
· Carcass management
· Electric fence incentive/Cost share program
· Mountain lion population trends, issues, and non-lethal methods for managing mountain lions
· Strategic grazing management for co-existence with large carnivores
· Predator management by the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes Reservation
The workshop is open to the public and is free to attend with no registration required. For questions, please contact John Steuber, Wildlife Service’s Montana State Director at (406) 657-6464.