Agricultural producers are being encouraged to participate in a survey of western ranches and farms asking about stress.
“This survey of producers in the 13 western states aims to learn about ag stressors and how producers would prefer to get information on dealing with stress,” said Cole Ehmke, University of Wyoming Extension specialist. “Our agriculture is a large community, but we’re dispersed, so this survey will help pin down what information is most needed and how best to get it out.”
All submissions are anonymous. The survey is part of efforts by the Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP), which is sponsored by USDA funds and supported by UW Extension.
The survey takes about 15 minutes, and the findings will be used to help develop future programming, said Ehmke. Take the survey here!
Respondents can be entered in a raffle for a $50 online gift card (ten $50 gift cards are available per participating state). A separate link at the end of the survey asks if participants are interested in a follow-up interview with WRASAP. Those who complete the interview will automatically receive a $75 gift card.
For details on the survey, contact Colorado State University professor Lorann Stallones at Lorann.Stallones@ColoState.EDU.
University of Wyoming Extension