Due to flood and excessive moisture conditions throughout the state, Montana Farm Service Agency requested and was approved to extend the deadline for timely reporting prevented planting to coincide with the final crop reporting deadline of July 15th for the 2011 crop year, USDA Montana Farm Service Agency (FSA) Acting State Executive Director Richard “Dick” Deschamps said today.
“This prevented planting reporting requirement applies to all crops, whether covered by crop insurance, not covered by crop insurance, or covered by FSA’s Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP),” Deschamps said.
Reporting to FSA could impact future FSA program benefits. In addition, federal crop insurance policy holders are reminded to notify their crop insurance companies of the planting conditions so they’re aware of prevented planting. Prevented Planted acreage claims filed by July 15, 2011 will be considered as timely filed. It is important that the FSA-576 form be timely filed and approved for a possible 2011 crop disaster Supplemental Revenue Payments Assistance Program (SURE) or for acreage history credit. Approved preventive planted acreage may also be eligible for ACRE payments.
If a request for prevented planting is filed after July 15, 2011, it is considered late filed and will require a minimum of $46 to have an on-site inspection completed to determine that the natural disaster condition was evident. If the disaster condition that prevented the crop from being planted is no longer apparent, then the FSA-576 will be denied and no benefits will be applicable. If producers have insured crops that were prevented planted then they may be required to provide proof that they filed for prevented planting credit with crop insurance. The County Committee may also request that you provide receipts or invoices showing you had inputs (seed, chemical, fertilizer, etc.) available to plant the acres claimed as prevented to establish your intent of planting.
For more information, contact your FSA county office.
USDA Montana FSA
Posted by Kaci Switzer