PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA) would like to remind producers to check the source of cover crop seeds and ensure a lab analysis on the seeds has been conducted before planting.
“Cover crops are typically smaller seeded, which could harbor unwanted weed seeds,” says Brenda Sievers, Plant Industry Program Manager for the SDDA. “Knowing your seed source and what you are planting will reduce unwanted weed pressure and prevent future problems with germination or other issues that might show up in your field.”
The label must include percentages for germination, purity, other crop, and inert matter as well as restricted noxious weed seeds. Seeds cannot contain prohibited noxious weed seeds in any amount. Prohibited noxious weed seeds in South Dakota include; Field Bindweed, Leafy Spurge, Hoary Cress, Russian Knapweed, Perennial Sowthistle, Canada Thistle, Palmer Amaranth and Horse Nettle. The labeler’s name and address must also be listed on the label.
South Dakota Department of Agriculture