Workshops’ focus reclamation seed selection, planting methods
One April workshop in Longmont, Colo., will show resource managers how to develop a reclamation seed mix and order native plant seed, and a second workshop planned in Cheyenne will demonstrate how to seed wildlands.
“Ordering Native Plant Seed: How to Get What You Want and Stay Out of the Weeds!” is Thursday, April 7, in the city of Longmont Utility Center Training Room, 1251 S. Bowen St.
The workshop focuses on how to order seed, selecting native varieties appropriate for an ecosystem, understanding information on seed bag labels, interpreting seed lab purity and noxious weed analysis results and how to request seed test analyses to meet someone’s needs.
“The information in this workshop is critical to seed ordering success,” said Steve Popovich with the U.S. Forest Service. “It is technical and intended for professional land managers and restoration practitioners but is open to anyone who orders native seed and/or seeds native landscapes.”
There is no cost to attend. Contact Popovich at for more information and to register.
The second workshop “Reclamation Seeding of Wildlands” is 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne. The workshop is open to anyone, and will be particularly helpful for industry and agency personnel involved in land reclamation, said Kristina Hufford, University of Wyoming Extension reclamation ecologist, who is hosting the session.
Seed mix considerations, seedbed preparation and seeding practices will be discussed in the morning. Workshop attendees will finish the day at an active reclamation site with field demonstrations of drill seeding and other equipment.
UW Extension and the Wyoming Reclamation and Restoration Center are offering the workshop in collaboration with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the U.S. Forest Service and EOG Resources, which is providing the drill demonstration.
There is a $20 fee for the second workshop. Registration and other information are at An updated agenda and additional room and location information will be posted on the website soon.
For more information, contact Hufford at 307-766-5587 or