Welcome to MR Angus Ranch
M.R. Angus Ranch was established in 1977 at Tie Siding, WY, by Juan and Joni Reyes. The original cow herd consisted of twelve registered Angus cows with Eileenmere bloodlines. Ranching at 8,000+ feet it was quickly realized that finding a cow herd with the right genetics and conformation was of upmost importance to survive at high altitude. After much consideration, the decision was made to expand by purchasing cows from the Fairview Ranch dispersal sale. Most of which were of Canadian breeding. Today’s herd consists of over 1200 head which can be trace back to those original bloodlines.
After considerable losses to Brisket Disease we started working with Colorado State University and Joe Schamel. We started PAP testing in 1979 to minimize our loss. Since that time M.R. Angus Ranch has PAP tested over 5800 head. We have been working with Dr. Tim Holt for the last 22 years. Our hope is that someday a simple gene mapping test, regardless of elevation, can guarantee us and our producers a greater genetic pool to work with than we have today.
PAP testing has only been one element of producing the cow herd we have today. Owning and operating a 7,000 head feedlot has taught us that feed efficiency is equally as important to us and our customers. It allows us to measure fleshing ability and feed conversion of our genetics. Custom feeding cattle for producers who use our genetics has proven to us that our bulls are passing on these important qualities. Calves that are out of our bulls have a much higher rate of gain on less feed than what our rations call for. Being able to feed our customers calves provides us with the opportunity to see what our bulls are doing for our customers all across the country. If we made this statement from only feeding our own herd we could make it look as good as we wanted. Our customers are the ones holding us accountable.
Our bulls are raised and developed in realistic range environment. These bulls summer at Tie Siding, WY at 8,000+ feet from May to November. Short mountain grass and mineral is all they see during that time. They are PAP tested at Tie Siding by Dr. Tim Holt. In November when the bulls get back to Wheatland they are turned out on field roughage until the feed is gone. Then the bulls go on a 42-46 Mcal ration that is 60{18648621dc58566f60964eb5074c58f5f97501fe95033d5d25ee4862e704a74a} roughage. The bulls are not pushed. They run in their working clothes and receive no special treatment.
For the past 21 years the Reyes family has worked closely with Keith Russell and his family. The two families have common goals and high expectations for their cow herds.
As always we invite you to stop by and look at the bulls. We feel that this set of bulls is our best yet. The bulls are deep, thick, and structurally sound; they have good bone structure and are good footed. Our cow herd has proven year after year that it has maternal longevity and can adapt to tough environments. We continue to strive for quality, performance, conformation, fertility, and easy fleshing abilities that will work at any altitude.
Thanks to all our friends and customers who have supported us over the years.
Thank You,
Juan, Joni, Jason, Jennifer and Mick