The following article is from Bloomberg:
Russian Wheat Harvest Declined 33{b5a992b8e63762954627fabd02ae0ce4cbdce5a7319b086354586c608f95fa42} Last Year, Government Says
By Marina Sysoyeva
Russia’s wheat harvest was 41.5 million metric tons in 2010, the country’s agriculture ministry said, citing the state statistical service, Rosstat. That was down by a third from a year earlier.
The overall grain crop fell 37 percent in 2010 to 60.9 million tons after drying and cleaning, following the worst drought in at least 50 years in Russia.
The harvest included 8.3 million tons of barley, 3.2 million tons of oats, 3.1 million tons of corn, 1.6 million tons of rye, 1.4 million tons of pulses, 1.1 million tons of rice and 339,000 tons of buckwheat, the ministry said on its website today, citing Rosstat data.
Some 15.5 million hectares (38.3 million acres) were sown with winter crops in Russia by the end of the year, of which 50 percent was in “good” condition, 39 percent was deemed satisfactory and 10 percent in bad condition as of Jan. 14, the ministry said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Marina Sysoyeva in Moscow at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter at
Source: Bloomberg
Posted by Haylie Shipp