Senators to Meet with Obama Over Death Tax


In a letter from Dick Pattern of the American Family Business Institute, NBS President Taylor Brown received some news worth sharing with producers and small business owners everywhere.  On Tuesday, November 30, President Obama will be meeting with two senators about potential alterations to the return of the Death Tax.  The letter with that important information is below:

Dear Taylor,

Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are meeting with President Obama tomorrow to negotiate a deal for the expiring Bush tax relief.


There is talk that they will demand temporary extension of the income and capital gains taxes but agree to let the death tax come back to life, at a lower rate.


The only “deal” on the death tax as far as farmers and business owners are concerned is an extension of the 2010 death tax repeal.


The death tax is the last thing family business owners and farmers need in the middle of the current recession.


We can block the death tax for another year and give the 112th Congress a chance to pass a permanent repeal.  However, our success is entirely in the hands of Senators Kyl and McConnell.


They have to play hardball on behalf of America’s family business owners, farmers, and entrepreneurs.  

Please call Senators Kyl and McConnell today.  Tell them that you expect them to get tough with President Obama and demand an extension of death tax repeal. 

Senator Jon Kyl: (202) 224-4521

Senator Mitch McConnell: (202) 224-2541

They meet with President Obama tomorrow.  Please call now.


Dick Patten


American Family Business Institute

P.S.  Senators Kyl and McConnell need to feel strong pressure.  Will you please forward this email to at least five friends and ask them to call the Senators? 

Source: The desk of Taylor Brown

Posted by Kaci Switzer

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