Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sheridan research center field day, Sheridan WY


Horse power and tractor activities, research among Sheridan research center field day events

            Horse and tractor harrowing and an antique tractor show will blend with research projects and the 125-year history of the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station during the Sheridan Research and Extension Center (ShREC) field day Wednesday, July 20.

            This year’s field day is at the Wyarno station site at 663 Wyarno Rd. east of Sheridan, said Brian Mealor, ShREC director. Mealor and Frank Galey, dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming, will begin introductions at 3 p.m.

            Research tours and information from 3:30-5 p.m. include historic versus contemporary wheat varieties, native and introduced grasses for forage and reclamation, cheatgrass management and restoration including cheatgrass-suppressive bacteria, biotechnology and modern horticulture and a 100-year review of weather information at the site by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. There are also researcher/student poster sessions.

            RSVPs for the 5:30 p.m. buffet dinner are requested by July 15. Contact Rochelle Koltiska at 307-673-2856 or

            During dinner, UW Extension horticulturist Karen Panter will present vegetable and ornamental plant seed-saving information, and David Krueger, agricultural liaison librarian with University of Wyoming Libraries, will give a 125-year history of AES and 101 years at the Wyarno site and how the two are an integral part of Sheridan County.

            The horse and tractor harrowing and antique tractor show is 6:45- 8 p.m.

            ShREC is one of four research and extension centers under the direction of the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Wyoming. Others are at Laramie and near Lingle and Powell.

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