Stock Growers join Business Council, UW cattle marketing program



The Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) has teamed with the Wyoming Business Council’s Agribusiness Division and the University of Wyoming’s Animal Science Department (UW) to promote a value-added cattle production marketing opportunity.

The Wyoming Premium Heifer program began in 2012 as a joint venture between the Business Council and UW. It is designed to develop and market bred and replacement heifer calves certified under a standard set of guidelines that could demand a higher price per head at market.  All certified heifers are required to have an official program tag. A special Internet video sale is available to Premium Heifer participants in the fall.

John Henn, manager of the Premium Heifer program, said the inclusion of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association underscores the program’s effectiveness and will help promote it to more producers in the state.

“This program provides cow-calf producers in the state an opportunity to add value to replacement quality heifers and gain national market exposure,” Henn said. “Having partners like the university and Stock Growers provides more awareness and value to both sellers and buyers. It is a pleasure to have the Wyoming Stock Growers Association as part of the program.”

Jim Magagna, executive vice president of the WSGA, said, “We are pleased to partner with the Wyoming Business Council and the University of Wyoming to provide this value-added marketing opportunity for Wyoming cattle producers. WSGA looks forward to highlighting the program and informing our membership about the opportunities this program will bring to their operation.”

For more information about the Wyoming Premium Heifer program, contact Henn at 307-777-2847 or For information about the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, contact Magagna at 307-638-3942.



Source: Wyoming Business Council

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