BILLINGS, MT (October, 12, 2016) – Growing and keeping export markets has a big effect on income for U.S. farmers and ranchers, especially at a time of low farm gate prices. And two USDA export promotion programs play a critical role in that effort. The results are now in from a major econometric study measuring the effectiveness of these programs.
With more on this story, here’s the Northern Ag Network’s Russell Nemetz.
The study examined the effectiveness of the Market Access Program and the Foreign Market Development program. They’re part of a public-private partnership in which non-profit farm and rancher organizations contribute funds and compete for grants to conduct export development activities around the world.
To that provides competitive grants for export development activities to non-profit farm and ranch organizations that contribute funds from checkoff programs
To learn more about the study, visit
Source: Russell Nemetz-Northern Ag Network & U.S. Wheat Associates