The Governor’s Summit on Invasive Species, Helena MT


The Governor's Summit on Invasive Species

Assessing the Past Strategizing for the Future

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Please join the Montana Invasive Species Advisory Council (MISAC) April 12-13, 2016 for an in-depth dialogue and examination of prevention, detection, rapid response, and management of invasive species in Montana.


In 2015, MISAC sponsored program assessments for taxonomic groups (aquatic, terrestrial, animal, pest) within the state to evaluate and identify gaps in existing efforts. The Summit will serve as a platform for invasive species managers, county leaders, local and tribal governments, private landowners, lake association members, conservation districts, angling groups and others who work at the local level to review assessment findings, suggest actions,  provide the latest science, and develop a shared invasive species strategy for the state.

This two day-event will also feature national and state leaders and technical experts who provide on-the-ground applied science and actions to lower the risk of invasive species spread. Please join us for this important and timely collaboration to learn and plan together for effective, local invasive species prevention in Montana. Click here for the agenda.

When: April 12-13, 2016

Where: Gateway Center, Helena

Registration fee: $50 to cover meals (breakfast and lunch both days). Registration deadline is April 1.  Click here to register.

Scholarships: a limited number are available for travel assistance. To request a scholarship, please complete the registration process and contact Stephanie Hester at 406-444-6691, by March 15, 2016.

Lodging: a block of rooms have been reserved at the Wingate by Wyndham. Please call the hotel directly at 406-449-3000 to reserve a room. Mention you are with the “Invasive Species Summit” to receive the event rate of  $92 +tax

CEUs: 3 CEUs in Right-of-Way and Regulatory Weed can be earned at the Summit


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