WY Ups Import Requirements for Horses


The following is a release from the Wyoming Livestock Board:

Due to concern over the recent Equine Herpes Virus 1 neurologic situation in several western states, the Wyoming Livestock Board will immediately begin requiring an official certificate of veterinary inspection within 72 hours prior to entry into Wyoming for imported Equine. The certificate must include the temperature recorded for each horse listed. The statements: “No horses listed have been exposed to any horse infected with or exposed to EHV1.” and “No horses listed are showing any clinical signs of EHV1.” must be written on the certificate.

This order is effective May 19, 2011 and will continue in effect until rescinded by the Wyoming State Veterinarian.

At this time Wyoming has no confirmed cases of EHV1 and there have been no suspect cases reported in the state. There are several major equine events upcoming in Wyoming and we want to protect our horse industry and event contestants to the extent that it is possible.

For more information please contact the WLSB offices at 307 777 7515 or 307 857 4140.

For more information about Equine Herpes 1 Virus, please read “Region’s Horses Exposed to Herpes Virus.”


Source:  WY Livestock Board

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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