Since it was founded 30 years ago, Swiss America Trading Corporation has been trying to show the American people that there is an investment alternative to the traditional paper assets that you find on the Dow or the S & P. According to their founder, Craig Smith, those assets can be anything from corn to oil to gold.
He discussed with listeners while recently on our sister network’s daily talk show, Voices of Montana, the work that he’s done trying to educate the American people about how money actually functions, how our money system was created in America, how inflation works.
So where does he think you should invest? He is in the gold business, but he is says that you don’t want all of your money there. He says no less than 5{962fe9be9a8a5c386944bfa41f48d98b010325707b70b1fa6182bcabd27c5d7f}, no more than 20{962fe9be9a8a5c386944bfa41f48d98b010325707b70b1fa6182bcabd27c5d7f} should be in gold with the rest in a diversified portfolio.
To listen to Craig’s full interview on Voices of Montana, follow the links below. Be patient as, depending on your internet speed, they may take a while to load.
Swiss America Trading Corporation on Voices of Montana – Segment 1
Swiss America Trading Corporation on Voices of Montana – Segment 2
© Northern Ag Network 2012
Haylie Shipp