Research Triangle Park, N.C. – Feeding America® and Bayer are joining forces to help make the holiday season a bit brighter for Americans struggling with hunger by sponsoring “#Thankful4Ag,” a social initiative that will help provide up to 200,000 meals from November 10-December 19. Bayer will donate up to $20,000. $1=10 meals secured by Feeding America on behalf of member food banks.
Launching today, #Thankful4Ag invites people to visit and create a “digital meal” showcasing three of their favorite classic holiday foods. As foods are added to the digital meal, the visitor will be provided interesting facts about the origin of those foods and learn more about their journey from farm to table. Every time someone creates and shares a meal, Bayer CropScience LP will donate 10 meals ($1 per share, $1=10 meals secured by Feeding America on behalf of member food banks) to food-insecure families through Feeding America.
Launched by Bayer last year, #Thankful4Ag donated 40,000 meals to deserving individuals and families. #Thankful4Ag is the latest hunger-relief effort between Bayer and Feeding America. So far in 2014, Bayer and Feeding America have partnered to help provide more than 4.5 million meals to Americans in need through the Nutrition Mission campaign.
For more information or to participate in the #Thankful4Ag campaign, please visit:
Source: Bayer CropScience
Posted by Jami Howell