Yost Recieves Stockman Bank Ag Advocate Award


The following press release is from the American Agri-Women:

BILLINGS – Karen Yost recently received the Stockman Bank Ag Advocate of the Year Award for her service and commitment to the Ag industry and her involvement in the community and her profession.

Yost is a 3rd generation Montanan who is deeply involved in the agriculture industry. She was raised on a family farm in Park City, Montana and learned early the business of farming and ranching. She and her husband, George, currently own and operate Nutra-Lix, Inc., a feed supplement company in Billings. They also produce rodeo events with their family during the summer months.

Yost is active in the agricultural community as well. She is the president of American Agri-Women and a member of the American Feed Industry Association, the Montana Stockgrowers Association, the United States Cattlemen’s Association, the Montana Cattlewomen, the Montana Farm Bureau and the Billings Chamber of Commerce.

Stockman Bank recognizes the hard work and dedication of our area farmers and ranchers. The Stockman Bank Ag Advocate of the Year award was established to honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the agricultural community for one of Montana’s leading industries.

Yost was acknowledged at the annual Billings Chamber Ag Appreciation Banquet on January 20.

Source:  American Agri-Women

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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