Business Council accepting submissions for 8th Annual Ag Photo Contest


(Wyoming)- The Wyoming Business Council’s Agribusiness Division is now accepting photos for its 8th Annual Ag Photo Contest.

Youth and adults, either amateur or professional, can submit photos to the Agribusiness Division until Sept. 1, 2015.

All submissions for both youth and adult photographers must be agricultural related and taken in Wyoming. Adult categories include livestock, crops, people/recreation, scenic and best edit.  Contestants can submit a maximum of 25 photos. Any photos entered beyond the maximum number will not be judged.

All contestants are eligible for the $300 grand prize. First place for adults in each category is $150. Youth contestants win $100 and $50 for first and second place. Winning photos will be used in the Business Council’s 2016 AgriCulture Calendar.

“The 7th Annual photo contest had more than 800 photos submitted. It is always exciting to see the diverse set of photos from multiple viewpoints taken from all across Wyoming,” said Cody Bainter, ag marketing and leadership coordinator in the Agribusiness Division. “It is a great representation of the state’s agricultural industry.”

Each submitted photograph must be accompanied by a completed and signed application form.  Photos must be at least 72 dpi in jpeg or tiff formats.  Photos with low resolution or that are blurry/out of focus will not be accepted. Each submitted photo needs to include the location of the picture, contestant’s name and a title on the back of the photograph.  Digital photos can be submitted on CD or via email. For convenience, applications and photos can be submitted online at

For questions or to receive the application and contest rules, contact Bainter or 307-777-2864. Applications, contest rules and tips are also available online at

All photos become property of the Agribusiness Division and may be used in marketing materials, publications and the AgriCulture Calendar. Photographers will be credited.



Source:   Wyoming Business Council

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