CAB’s “Brand the Barn” Puts Passion for Beef Up to For All to See


Many farm kids grew up with the long, hot summer job of painting the barn. But a project from Certified Angus Beef (CAB) is putting the fun back into what used to be a chore.

Barns are the center of the farm—where the hay is stored, cows are calved and processed, and the center of family and community gatherings. There’s a heritage and a story in each one. The barns of today take all shape and form—but all represent the history and passion cattlemen have for their farm or ranch.

CAB’s “Brand the Barn” promotion is putting that passion up for all to see.

For the organization’s 40 year anniversary, CAB is painting murals of the CAB logo on 40 barns across the country. At each stop, they feature social media posts about the farm or ranch and a look inside of the family and community they live in.

Follow along as the tour continues. No. 25 was just completed, with 15 more to go. Here’s a few photos they’ve shared along the way:

The artist, Troy Freeman, Free Sky Studios, has been painting murals for more than 10 years, ranging from schools, amusement parks, cities and townships. He’s also published 15 titles as a freelance illustrator. See his Instagram feed for more photos and projects.