Thursday, January 16, 2025

Changing the Game: Farmers Business Network


The Farmers Business  Network came about when farmers wanted to develop an independent, unbiased, and objective farmer-driven information source — no marketing fluff, just the facts on raw performance. They knew that if they could share their agronomic precision data with one another, they could all make better decisions on seeds and agronomics.

Working together, they knew they could learn vastly more than by looking only at just their own farms, thereby unlocking the true power of the precision farm data they’d paid for. These farmers wanted objective information on seeds, fertility, soils and dreamed of what might be discovered scientifically from having more data. They wanted transparency and to be treated fairly in the market. They wanted to build a company that reflected their values and truly put them, the farmers, first.

Recently, Lane Nordlund spoke with FBN's Joel Akers on the ways FBN is changing how farmers buy inputs, market their crops and so much more!

FBN Montana would like invite you to join them in Great Falls on Wednesday January 31st and Thursday February 1st to learn about breakout marketing opportunities for 2018.


FBN will have live specialty and commodity marketing contracts, premiums, and input savings on site to help you move any grain still in the bin, and establish your 2018 strategy.


You'll also pick up practical insights that will make you a better farmer and more informed marketer.


FBN’s world class team and expert Montana partners will help you learn how to utilize data-enabled marketing to bring profit back to your operation.

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Northern Ag Network & FBN 2017

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