Despite Tornado, NILE Planning Continues


In the wake of the tornado that left the arena at MetraPark unusable for an indefinite time frame, the NILE Board of Directors voted on Monday night, July 5, to move forward with plans for the 43rd Annual NILE Stock Show, ProRodeo, & Western Expo that will be held at MetraPark October 11-16, 2010.

“We are extremely confident that this year’s show will truly be one of the most memorable and entertaining NILE fall show events”, says NILE President Rob Erickson, adding that, “despite one less building we are moving forward with plans to make this year’s event better than ever.”

One key aspect that has been in question as to whether or not it will be held, has been the NILE ProRodeo.  Currently plans are being made to hold the rodeo in the Expo Pavilion at MetraPark with seating for around 4,000.  The NILE Stock Show and Horse Sales will go on as planned as well as the Western Expo which includes a Trade Show and Entertainment Stage.  However, due to the changes in how buildings will be used the NILE will hold a press conference at a soon, but undetermined date, to release the full schedule and details of all events that will be planned for the 34th Annual NILE Stock Show, ProRodeo, and Western Expo.

Northern Ag Network spoke with Justin Mills, NILE General Manager.


Currently entry and sale consignment forms are available on the NILE website.  As mentioned previously, further details and information regarding the upcoming NILE Stock Show, ProRodeo, and Western Expo will be made available at a soon to be announced press conference.  All information will then be posted to the website at:

Source:  NILE

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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