The following is a press release from the MT DOL:
The Montana Department of Livestock has scheduled informational meetings for livestock producers within the state’s Designated Surveillance Area.
Topics to be covered include:
- Regulation changes between the DSA administrative rule and official order (changes in testing requirements and Official Calfhood Vaccination requirements
- DSA boundary changes
- Changes to Federal regulations regarding Adult Vaccination as well as new research on adult vaccination and RB-51 efficacy
- Livestock identification requirements
- Brucellosis Surveillance Herd Management Plan (herd plan) development.
- Q&A on topics that may arise.
Meetings are scheduled for:
Tuesday, April 26: Emigrant Community Center, 2-4 p.m.
Monday, May 2: Ennis Fire Hall , 2-4 p.m.
Thursday, May 5: Alder Community Center, 2-4 p.m.
Monday, May 9: Dillon Fairgrounds 4-H building , 2-4 p.m.
For additional information, please contact the department at 406/444-9431.
Source: Montana DOL
Posted by Haylie Shipp