For the first time ever, students at Lockwood High School have been enrolling in Agricultural Education classes!
The brand-new Lockwood High School is only two years old, and still has only Freshmen and Sophomore students, but is already launching Montana’s newest Ag Ed and FFA program. Lockwood High School Principal Gordon Klasna says their goal is to prepare Lockwood Students for great careers, and their school’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program will help provide a connection that is important to their whole community.
Lockwood has tapped Lindsay Harper as the Ag Ed Instructor to start Montana’s 97th FFA Chapter. “I’m super excited that Lockwood gets this opportunity, Harper said, “Having three CTE teachers in Metal Shop, Woods and Ag, will provide collaboration for entrepreneurship opportunities, leadership, travel and community service.” Harper has been the Ag Ed Instructor in Roundup for the past few years.
From Helena, State Ag Ed Specialist Eric Tilleman was part of the team that gathered to welcome Lindsay Harper to Lockwood, where he emphasized that, “Ag Ed and FFA and Agricultural Education is not just for rural students. You know, 23% of all jobs in the United States are ag-related, and to see this program start in Lockwood is just huge.”
Mike Houghton, Industrial Technology Specialist with the Office of Public Instruction, also attended and made the point that employers out inthe field need leadership and employability skills are critical.
Mary Heller the State Director for SkillsUSA, pointed out that, “We see the need to work with industry to narrow the skills gap, in plumbers, electricians, diesel technicians, welders…and we see a lot of connectivity between SKillsUSA and FFA because there is so much overlap.”
Lockwood High School begins its third year this fall, but will not graduate its first class of Seniors until Spring of 2023.
Above is a photo of the team that gathered recently to welcome Lindsey Harper to Lockwood High School, including: (L-R) Beau Malia-Lockwood Metal Shop Instructor, Mary Heller-SkillsUSA State Director, Mike Houghton-OPI Industrial Technology Specialist, Tobin Novasio-Lockwood Schools Superintendent, Eric Tilleman-OPI Agricultural Education Specialist, Lindsey Harper-Lockwood Ag Ed Instructor, Gordon Klasna-Lockwood High School Principal, Taylor Brown of Northern Ag Network.