BISMARCK, N.D. – The State Board of Animal Health will meet at 9 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 21, in the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s 6th floor conference room at the State Capitol.
Draft Agenda
1. Roll call and introductions
2. Minutes
- June 15, 2016 Regular Meeting
3. Disease Updates
- Brucellosis
- Johne's Disease
- Leptospirosis
- Piroplasmosis
- Tuberculosis
- Tularemia
- West Nile Virus
4. Livestock Field Investigator Updates
5. Avian Updates
6. Illegal Importations
7. Inhumane Complaints
8. Budget Update
9. Nontraditional Livestock Updates
10. Restricted Feedlot
11. Exemptions – Official Calfhood Vaccinates
12. ND Game and Fish Department
- ND Sage – Grouse Recovery Project
13. Swine
- Feral
- Transitional
14. Meetings
15. Other
NOTE: Agenda items may be moved up or down on the agenda. Breaks and recess will be at the discretion of the President of the Board.