National BLM Director Bob Abbey is in Montana today. Russell Nemetz spoke with him this morning while the director is touring around the Great Falls area and, as part of that tour takes him along the Missouri River this week, Russell asked him specifically about the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument that was designated in the last hours of the Clinton administration.
It was a year ago in Malta when Director Abbey told that message to a full high school gymnasium and folks still question what was leaked from the Department of Interior.
Talking with us today, he was still outlining what he says was the actual point of those documents.
While Director Abbey is in the state, you can bet he is hearing from folks that are for and against swapping some parcels of privately owned land within the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument with public lands elsewhere in the state. The Director reportedly has no plans to meet with Governor Schweitzer on this issue. For more details, please read “Schweitzer Ponders Land Swap with Feds.”
© Northern Ag Network 2011
Haylie Shipp