Jul 11, 2014 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO…Over 195,500 head of calves, feeder cattle and breeding stock were offered here July 7 through July 11 during Superior's Week in the Rockies XXVI video cattle auction. Broadcast live from the Sheraton Steamboat Resort, the auction had producers from 26 states consign 30{ba1edae1e6da4446a8482f505d60d3b8e379ff6dedafe596d9ba4611a4e33a48} steer calves 0-595 lbs.; 18{ba1edae1e6da4446a8482f505d60d3b8e379ff6dedafe596d9ba4611a4e33a48} heifer calves 345-590 lbs.; 36{ba1edae1e6da4446a8482f505d60d3b8e379ff6dedafe596d9ba4611a4e33a48} feeder steers 525-1050 lbs.; 15{ba1edae1e6da4446a8482f505d60d3b8e379ff6dedafe596d9ba4611a4e33a48} feeder heifers 525-1025 lbs. and 1{ba1edae1e6da4446a8482f505d60d3b8e379ff6dedafe596d9ba4611a4e33a48} breeding stock. Cattle sold on contract to deliver immediately through the end of March.
Here are the sale results from Region 2 which includes Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming:
Type Weight Range Price Range
350-395 $354.00-$422.00
410-440 $282.00-$384.00
450-495 $258.00-$336.00
500-545 $240.00-$314.00
550-595 $227.00-$294.00
600-640 $226.00-$277.00
650-690 $204.00-$250.50
700-735 $204.00-$247.00
750-780 $202.00-$234.00
800-840 $201.00-$240.00
850-890 $191.00-$235.00
900-940 $195.00-$231.00
950-1050 $198.00-$227.50
350-350 $400.00-$400.00
400-440 $249.00-$333.00
450-490 $233.00-$302.00
500-545 $227.00-$311.00
550-590 $219.00-$262.00
600-640 $215.00-$260.00
650-685 $203.00-$251.00
700-740 $204.00-$235.00
750-785 $206.00-$224.00
800-840 $194.00-$226.00
850-885 $194.00-$214.50
900-920 $201.00-$215.00
950-950 $200.00-$206.00
Source: Superior Livestock Auction
Posted by Northern Ag Network