What the Hay? ND Hay Prices Lowest in U.S.


The following article is from the Associated Press:

DICKINSON, N.D. — The Agriculture Department says hay prices are up in North Dakota, but the state has the lowest prices in the country.

The USDA says baled hay in North Dakota was sold at $96 per ton in November, up from $56 for the same month a year ago.

New Mexico is at the top at $302 per ton. The national average was $176.

John Mueller, who works in the USDA’s North Dakota field office, says the state isn’t a major livestock player so demand is lower than other states. He says most of the states with high prices have large dairy farms.

Mueller tells The Dickinson Press (http://bit.ly/t2FoLd) that dry weather is likely driving up prices, especially in Texas, New Mexico and other southern states.


Source:  Associted Press

Information from: The Dickinson Press

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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