The following is a press release from Montana FWP:
The Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission is seeking public comment through Nov. 5 on a proposed wolf trapping regulation aimed primarily at preventing the unintended capture of non-targeted small carnivores including Canada lynx, marten, and fisher.
The proposed regulation would require wolf trappers in portions of western Montana to adjust the pan-tension of their traps to force a minimum of eight pounds of pressure to trigger the trap to close.
The wolf trapping season will open Dec. 15 and end on Feb. 28, 2013. The general wolf hunting season opens Monday, Oct. 15 and will also run through Feb. 28, 2013.
Comments on the proposed wolf trapping pan-tension regulation must be received by 5 p.m. Nov. 5. Comment via FWP's website at fwp.mt.gov. Click “Hunting”. Or mail to: FWP – Wildlife Bureau, Attn: Public Comment, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701. For more information, call: 406-444-2612.
Source: Montana FWP
Posted by Haylie Shipp