Will the Farm Bill Get to the House Floor in Time?


The following article is from the NAFB News Service:

House leadership isn’t making any promises on floor time for the farm bill. According to House Speaker John Boehner there are some good reforms in the farm bill – and there are other parts he has concerns about. According to Boehner – we have a Soviet-style dairy program in the country today – and one of the proposals in the farm bill actually makes it worse. The Speaker is reserving further comments on the legislation approved by the House Ag Committee until he gets a closer look. Majority Leader Eric Cantor didn’t even discuss floor time following committee passage. House Agriculture Chair Frank Lucas and Ranking Member Collin Peterson have both urged House leadership to bring the bill to the floor.

Politico reports that members of the committee also want the leadership to bring up the bill. Iowa Republican Steve King said he would have been happy to bring the farm bill to the floor the minute it passed out of committee. He’s not entertaining the idea that House leadership would extend existing farm policy. He says he would be disappointed if there is no floor time to debate the farm bill.

Source:  NAFB News Service

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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